
Why You Should File Your 2025 Tax Return ASAP

It’s that time again. Whether you own a business, work for someone else, or file as self-employed, it is time to file. However, you still have reason to file as soon as you can, even if you owe the IRS money. Below we will share why you should file your 2025 tax return ASAP.

1. Get Your Refund Faster

Are you due for a refund? Get it faster by filing faster. Worst of all, those of you who wait until April 15th to file are highly likely to get caught in the bottleneck the IRS faces at that time of the year. And it’s no secret that they like to drag their feet when it’s time to dole out the cash as opposed to taking it in.

2. Avoid Scams and Identity Theft

We have seen every kind of scam there is out there. One of the worst is during tax time when scammers use your information to file a return as you or your business. This is harmful in many ways:

  1. The scammers will receive your refund.
  2. The scammers will often file with false information to get a bigger refund.
  3. You will be on the hook for the false tax filing.
  4. You are highly unlikely to receive your rightful refund, if owed anything.
  5. You will still owe the IRS if your tax return shows so.
  6. The scammers will have your information to damage you in many other ways.

We highly recommend you contact your bookkeeper whenever this happens to stop the current damage and prevent any future damages.

Did you know? The IRS has already processed over 8 million refunds for Americans this year, which is up from 7.5 million last year. Source: Newsweek

3. Beat the Rush

We at B&J face an avalanche of tax filers starting late in March and all the way to mid-April. Avoid this calamity by filing earlier. You can even check to see if your bookkeeper has special hours during this time. And you may also enjoy the feeling of crossing yet another monumental task off your to-do list.

File Your 2025 Tax Return in Houston

Get on top of your taxes with our help. We are open on Saturdays from now until tax time is over as well. You may click here to contact us and set up an appointment.