Houston Accounting Tip: 5 Ways to Painlessly Cut $100 a Month From Your Spending

As a professional bookkeeper, I see a lot of spreadsheets of incomes and expenses, and sometimes it just doesn’t add up. So in another entry in Houston accounting tips, we’ve gathered five ways to easily cut out $100 a month in spending below.

1. Houston Accounting Tip: Carpool.

Even though it’s easier said than done, carpooling can save a ton of money on gas, not to mention environmental impact. Those with a 25 mile commute, driving 50 weeks a year can look to save $100 a month on fuel expenses alone, and untold costs on wear and tear to their vehicle. There are many websites, such as eRideShare, that have tons of resources and matches for those looking for car pool groups in their area.

2. Eat at home.

According to recent statistics, the average person spent $2,276 a year on eating out. By learning to enjoy meals at home, you can save a ton of money, and even involve friends and family in the meal preparation process. The 99 Cent Chef has tons of recipes available for free online that are easy and inexpensive to prepare.

3. Contest property taxes.

If your local tax office constantly sends you notices of rising taxes and values, be sure to contest it. Don’t automatically assume that their estimate is correct. By contesting, most applicants will get a reduced tax, and a guide to doing this yourself can be found here. And if you live in Houston and/or Harris County, the site at HCAD has free resources on how.

4. Shop around for electricity.

With prices skyrocketing and competition at its highest, consumers would do well to looking into other energy services. Many will give you an immediate quote for free and even offer incentives for switching. There are even websites that rank local energy providers and show you the best deals. For example, those located in Texas can find free quotes and information here.

5. Get better car insurance.

You can save substantially by increasing the deductibles on the comprehensive and collision portions of your policy. Ask for additional savings on discounts such as carpooling, air bags, and annual mileage below 10,000 miles. The Insurance Information Institute is an excellent resource for saving money on insurance.

Houston Accounting

Those who think saving money cannot be painless will be surprised at how easy it is to waste finances, and how easy it is to gain them back. With these five simple accounting changes, you can make the most of your money, as well as your peace of mind. And of course, if you need help keeping the books and managing expenses, contact your Houston accounting and bookkeeping specialist for a direct answer. Our phone number is 281-894-6494.